TweetDavid and Ann were married at Glendoveers on 01-22-10. The date was chosen carefully to honor the groom’s parents who were also married on a palindromic date: 07-11-70. (Palindrome : read the same forward as backward.) It was such an honor to get to know these two and to be a part of their wedding […]

TweetDave and I met with Laura from Better Together Events today and I am super excited about working together with her on future weddings and projects. Laura is a full time wedding coordinator and she is basically capable of managing everything under the sun. Seriously, if any future brides are thinking about hiring a wedding […]

TweetDave and I experimented with creative lighting today. The smoke comes from burning incense sticks and was photographed using an off camera flash. We had to play around with the background a bit and after a few tries we got it to work out. I’m thinking about putting together a series from this and framing […]