TweetDave and I experimented with creative lighting today. The smoke comes from burning incense sticks and was photographed using an off camera flash. We had to play around with the background a bit and after a few tries we got it to work out. I’m thinking about putting together a series from this and framing […]

TweetWhat can I say about this past year? Just to think, at the start of ’09 Melissa and I were both working full time jobs. I was at RNews and she was at Van Zile Travel. We were struggling to keep up with our passion for photography while working 40-50, even 60+ hours a week. […]

TweetTonight, Dave and I are at home enjoying a quiet evening after a whirlwind of holiday activities with close friends and family. As we remember the fond moments of this past Christmas, we agree that there are many things that we are grateful for. We want to wish all of our internet friends out there […]